There is nothing better when I'm in need of a little relaxation than listening to a warm and fuzzy story on audio. When the world feels a little too big and a tad bit sad, I love how a good, sweet story can fill me with peace and hope.
I guess that's one reason I wanted to put my stories into audio-books-- so I could hear someone else tell me a story that goes just the way I hoped it would go, and ends happily ever after.
That's the beauty of writing your own stories. Ha!
But the best part is, when you hear it told by someone beside yourself, it's great fun--especially with the narrators who tell my stories. I've SO enjoyed posting my story scripts, then getting
an email that says: "You have a new audition for your audio book."
Then I get to listen to a number of different voices playing different characters and I get to pick the one who fits my character perfectly. I love the ones with the Southern accents, or those
auditioning for comedies with a little schoolgirl/schoolboy rivalry--which usually means they have a crush on each other. I'm looking forward to introducing new books on audio of my favorite
Coming-of-Age stories. Wait until you hear my new Mazie in Dime Store Duet, or AJ in AJ's Ireland, or Liza in Liza of Green
My hope is to offer sweet, humorous, inspirational stories for young girls, to encourage them to grow up the way I had the privilege of growing up; with self-worth, self-respect, and knowing I
was a child of God, dearly loved.
Stay tuned as the new Coming-of- Age Audios roll out over the summer. I will have free codes for those who have Audible and would like to listen, and, or review for me.
NEW Titles ahead:
Toad-ally Smitten
AJ's Ireland
Happy Camper
Dime Store Duet